Blue Water Inlet


Cold wax collage on board

By Marianne Ogden

33 cm x 43 cm x 5.5 cm



Signed by the artist

Across the Grand Harbour from Valletta is a sun-drenched inlet tucked behind Fort St. Angelo. The best way to find these small treasures is by walking along the marina of Birgu, just like the artist frequently does.


Cold wax collage on board

By Marianne Ogden

33 cm x 43 cm x 5.5 cm



Signed by the artist

Across the Grand Harbour from Valletta is a sun-drenched inlet tucked behind Fort St. Angelo. The best way to find these small treasures is by walking along the marina of Birgu, just like the artist frequently does.

Cold wax collage on board

By Marianne Ogden

33 cm x 43 cm x 5.5 cm



Signed by the artist

Across the Grand Harbour from Valletta is a sun-drenched inlet tucked behind Fort St. Angelo. The best way to find these small treasures is by walking along the marina of Birgu, just like the artist frequently does.

Cold wax collage depicting a Birgu city scene with blue water and architecture
Marianne Ogden's Blue Water Inlet on a blue wall
St. James
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Marina Road
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Ta' Pinu
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