Laura Swale interviews Bogdan Dyulgerov about new solo exhibition

Laura Swale reveals community art plans of new Boutique Art Hotel

Laura Swale talks again to Olafur Eliasson about art and activism

Laura Swale talks to Digital Arts students about the online shift

Laura Swale talks to the author and illustrator of COVID-19 children’s book

Laura Swale talks to artist activists about their new campaign

Laura Swale interviews artist Bob Cardona for the Times of Malta

Laura Swale interviews artist Gorg Mallia for the Times of Malta

Laura Swale interviews curator of feminist art exhibition

Laura Swale talks to Maltese painter Mark Muscat before new show

Laura Swale meets the International Watercolour Society

Laura Swale meets artist jewellers before Society of Arts show

Laura Swale meets artist Damian Darmanin and Prof. Richard England